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Platinum Sponsors

$10,000 Shire Sponsorship

$5,000   Clydesdale Sponsorship

$2,500   Thoroughbred Sponsorship

$1,000   Quarter Horse Sponsorship

$500      The Mini Paddock Crew

Donations under $500 will be considered

Friends of the Farm

Platinum Horse

Here's the Deal.........

We run on donations and the money in our pockets to keep this rescue alive.

The cost of just one horse a day can be over $100

Almost all of our horses come from law enforcement seizures. There is some compensation sometimes at the beginning and if we are lucky some donated vet care, but unfortunately when the trailers pull away. These horses become 100% our financial responsibility. Some horses may need surgeries for injuries and even eye removals like our last intake. Most need weight builder, medication and special foods to get them back on course to recovery. Every horse needs boarding, a massive amount of water, hay, grain, their hooves trimmed by the farrier, grooming, vet checkups and medications. They need to be handled, retrained and worked with by our staff to get them ready for adoption.

Being a farm with an arena, 2 barns, almost 3 miles of fencing and 25 acres of land also requires a lot of maintenance.

Mowing, poop removal, fence & post replacement, field dragging, hay bale movers and everything else you can imagine that is needed on a farm. 

If you love horses or are a philanthropists. If you can help out in any way. You money will be utilized. You can make a simple donation to the cause or you can become a sponsor and really help out.


All Sponsorships over $500 will include....

*SVERN is a 501.........

SVERN Sticker or Magnet

SVERN T-shirt or Hoodie

Subscription to Horse Times Magazine

Subscription to extra content

Tour of the Farm & Rescue

Info and Updates to future Events and Fundraisers

Over $1000 is tickets to all events


HorseTimes Fall Winter 2022 Cover
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